樸谷試著將簡單生活落實於日常之間,藉由友善土地的技能,集結更多人重視食物安全、永續能源、自然住屋等生活的另一種選擇方式。此工坊的所求僅是讓後代子孫有著比我們更多的淨土,以尊重自然為原則,與之和樂共存。 Pugu strives to live as simple as possible, through sustaining eco-friendly life, to enjoin more people with the awareness of food security, green energy and natural building. Aim to let the coming 7 generations to own better/cleaner land than us, to respect our nature and living in harmony with.
Graduated from National Taiwan University, majored in Business Administration, being the COO of ELIV International which promote volunteering around east-southern Asia. From 2013, he has exchanged many life skills at farms around Taiwan, for improving the knowledge of permaculture. Also to know more about the difficulties in the farming villages, fight for the justice of land using by the course of food security. Due to his partner Ellejana’s pregnancy, they moved to Yilan from Taipei, to live by farming/promoting natural life.
2012 – 樸門永續設計專業認證 (PDC: Permaculture Design Certificate Course), Taiwan / Teacher-Tammy Turner 2012 – 第一屆東南亞樸門大會 South East Asia Permaculture Convergence – Hong-Kong 2012/ 10-11 – 雲林農業博覽鳥巢自然建築團隊 鳥建築人 Yunlin Agri-Expo Nature Building Team Member 2013/ 08, 2014/ 08 – PDC 課程助教 Helper of PDC – Taiwan / Teacher- Tammy Turner 2014/ 01, 2014/ 12 – 樸門綠色戰士課程助教與翻譯(台灣) Interpreter of Green Warrior Permaculture Workshop, Taiwan / Teacher- Steve Cran 2015/ 04 – 樸門綠色戰士PDC 課程助教與翻譯(菲律賓) Interpreter of Green Warrior PDC, the Philippines / Teacher- Steve Cran 2015/ 09 – 倫敦全球樸門大會 London International Permaculture Conference & Convergence 2016/ 03-04 樸門綠色戰士課程助教與翻譯(台灣) Interpreter of Green Warrior Permaculture Workshop, Taiwan / Teacher- Steve Cran 2017/06 – 台東大地旅人 生態村創建與轉型社區設計課程 Ecovillage and Transition Community Design / Teacher - Robyn Francis 2018 1-2月 – 台東孩子的書屋 樸門永續設計認證課程 助教及翻譯 Interpreter of PDC in Kid's Bookhouse, Taitung / Teacher- Steve Cran 2018/06 – 澳洲藍山樸門協會 教師培訓認證課程 結業 Permaculture Teacher Training Course in BMPI / Teacher - Rowe Morrow, Lis Bastian 2023/02 - 台灣也思服務學習 種子帶領人培訓 Service Learning Leader Training Course in YESSLA 2023/04 - 澳洲藍山樸門協會 教師培訓課程講師實習 Teacher for Permaculture Teacher Training Course with BMPI / Teacher - Sarah Boulle & Greta Carroll
2013 – 南華大學批薩窯工作坊 主帶領者 Leader of the Pizza Oven Workshop at Nanhua University 2014 – 淡江大學城市與農夫社 – 校外授課講師. Farming leader, at the city and farming club at Tamkang University. 2014 / 10 – 2015 / 03 – 社企流 iLab – Try it 計劃 – 鄉喚返鄉資訊交流平台執行人. Project leader of My Rural Life Platform, to know more about the difficulties in the farming villages, which ended in 2016. 2015 / 01 – 新竹沺源⻘工作室 – 協力蓋窯授課講師. Leader of Pizza Oven Building. 2015 / 02-06 – 宜蘭縣內城國中小學 – 小學1-2年級有機小農夫課程授課講師(堆肥與種菜). Farming leading at 內城 elementary school at Yilan. 2015 / 05 – 台中東海大學推廣部 – 水與火之歌授課講師. Promote the elements of water and fire in Permaculture at TungHai University in Taichung. 2015/ 08 – 樸谷X合群農莊 協力蓋窯 主帶領者. Building Pizza Oven at the hostel of 合群 at Yilan. 2015/ 09-11 – 英國倫敦樸門大會參與者、並參訪托特尼斯城市轉型計劃、荷德葡法等生態社群. Participant at Permaculture Conference and Convergency, visited Transition Town Totnes, and other eco-communities in the Netherlands, Germany, Portugal and France.
2015 / 12開始,為樸谷宜蘭基地的建置期,共建置有堆肥廁所、中水香蕉圈水池、柴燒多口爐+熱水系統、雨水回收過濾、建置中的小土房等,為樸谷一家正在使用的實驗性生活系統,此基地經營至2017, 12月。From Dec 2015 to Dec 2017, Pugu Family established at their Permaculture base, moving in this living system in end of Aug 2016. Including using compost toilet, banana pit to filter used water, Lorena stove and hot water system, rain and underground water harvesting system, a hand made clay room.
2016/ 02-06 – 宜蘭縣教師研習 – ⻝農教育推廣講師. Leader of Food and Agriculture Course at junior high school teacher training at Yilan 2016/ 04 – Lorena 柴燒多口爐 主帶領者. Leader of making Lorena Clay Stove at Pugu Base. 2016/ 6 – 樸谷工坊X Emma 協力土團工作坊 造房計劃 協力帶領. Cod House Workshop with Emma. 2016/ 03, 05 – 靜宜大學生態人文學系 – 樸門設計與⻝農教育推廣講師. Speaker of a course “Permaculture and Food Education" at Providence University in Taichung. 2016/ 12 – 菲律賓巴拉望樸門綠色戰士田野學校 實地生活與學習. Visit and live with permaculture field school at Palawan, Philippines.
2017/ 01 – 樸谷X唐敏 – 動手設計一個四季小菜園 協力帶領. To design a 4 seasons perma-garden with Tammy. 2017/ 02 – Poo-Good 樸谷基地堆肥廁所工作坊 協力帶領. Assistant of Compost Toilet Workshop at Pugu Base. 2017/ 04 – 綠色戰士工作坊輕柔版 https://goo.gl/OZkQiw, Steve Cran 為主帶領,育苗室、鴨舍、能量花園等課程之協力帶領. Assistant leader of Green Warrior Workshop 2017 at Pugu Base in Yilan.
2016下半年-2018 台北客家社區大學 – 樸門永續設計實作課程 主要帶領. Leader of the course- Hands-On Permaculture at Taipei Hakka community university.
2018 / 04-05 台東社區大學 -- 找回動手生活的能力 --樸門永續設計入門班 主要帶領. Leader of the course - Hands-On Permaculture at Taitung community university. 台東鹿野鄉永安國小 -- 可食地景花園改造, 邊坡水保工作坊 主要帶領. Leader of the workshops - Design a Edible Garden, and Design a water conservation Slope at Yong'an Elementary School, Taitung.
2018 / 06 – 澳洲藍山樸門協會 教師培訓認證課程 結業 Permaculture Teacher Training Course in BMPI / Teacher - Rowe Morrow, Lis Bastian 2018 台東縣均一國中小三年級農耕課帶領講師 2019 台南長榮大學土窯實作工作坊講師 Leader of pizza oven workshop at Chang Jung Christian University in Tainan 2019 台東金崙 PDC 主帶領講師 Leader of PDC in Jinlun, Taitung 2019 高雄第一社大找回動手生活的能力 | 樸門初階課程講師 Leader of the course - Hands-On Permaculture at Kao Hsiung 1st community university 2018-2019 於「地球公民365」雜誌,樸門系列文章「簡單好生活」專欄作者 Permaculture columnist "Simple good life" at Earth Citizen 365 magazine
2020 宜蘭壯圍PDC 主帶領講師 Leader of PDC in Yilan 2021 東勢祖傳家園PDC 主帶領講師 Leader of PDC (Homeland and love space) in Taichung 2021~2022 台東祖傳家園PDC 主帶領講師 Leader of PDC (Homeland and love space) in Taitung 2022~2023 第二屆宜蘭祖傳家園PDC 主帶領講師 Leader of PDC (Homeland and love space) in Yilan 2022-2023 第二屆台東祖傳家園PDC 主帶領講師 Leader of PDC (Homeland and love space) in Taitung 2023 樸門師資培訓 @ 臺東鹿野 現場口譯及實習教師 Translator and Assistant Teacher of Permaculture Teacher Training in Taitung